
Friday, February 20, 2009

Classic makeover

Unlike the Guardian, I will link to this general blog (I have no lawyers at my beck and call, no legal knowledge and see no harm in pointing people along to websites... unless otherwise asked, of course). Designer M.S. Corley presents "redone" book covers for "Harry Potter", "The Spiderwick Chronicles" and "A Series of Unfortunate Events". While obviously this kind of stuff is done often enough (I just don't often come across it), what's special about Corley's designs is that they're made to look like "classics". The rough sketchiness to it is meant to imitate Penguin Classics and what's surprising is that the books really do suddenly look like classics.

It's not only neat to look at (the covers contain main parts of the story without giving anything away), but it's a far way's from the original covers. Will these be the Harry Potter covers of the future, or are Corley's elegant mimicries no more than that? Take a look, reach your own conclusions. Alison Flood from the Guardian is right to point out that there's something remarkably attractive, mature, and comfortable in these covers (or "nostalgic"). Quite nice.


  1. I think they are very nice...but of course they appeal to an adult audience. But do they make sense for a kids book?

    Maybe I like them because I am actually an

  2. wow i really like them.. very cool designs.

  3. Thanks for posting this on your blog, I just saw the Guardian article and got here through there.

    I am trying to contact everyone I can at Scholastic, Bloomsbury and everyone involved with Harry Potter to see if they could be made into covers, or if I could have their blessing to make the art prints...

    I hope for the best.

    Thanks again for the press.


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