
Thursday, January 7, 2010

Notes on a survey

For the last couples of months, I've found that instead of just thinking about book blogs as recommendation sites, I've started to wonder a little more about who's on the other end and what exactly most bloggers are doing. I started this page with clear intentions and pretty much knew what I wanted and what I wanted to avoid. I have my own rhythm and style (or so I'd like to think), just like every other blogger has the things he/she does and doesn't do.

This question has been on my mind for quite some time. Originally, I planned to collect data myself and see what came out of it but a couple of days with Google searches and blogroll lists revealed to me that the book blogging world is vast, much larger than most of us realize (or at least, than I realized). Hundreds of people are out there, writing new and relevant posts about books, reading and all manner of things. What to do?

I've written up a fairly quick survey to better understand our book blogging world. It's entirely for curiosity's sake (absolutely no information will be passed on elsewhere) and even filling in "decline to state" answers will help give an impression about book bloggers (but I suspect we'd all prefer as complete answers as possible!). The survey will run for 3 weeks and I hope to discover some interesting stats in the number crunching stage*.

I imagine many of you will be receiving e-mails over the next few days but feel free to fill it out in your spare time. The survey can be found here. An alternate location is here.

*I have never studied statistics. I hope this turns out well.


  1. I think there are 1000s of people writing book blogs-I follow about 500 book blogs in Bloglines and Google Reader and everyday I see links to dozens of new blogs and established blogs I have never heard off before-

  2. Just submitted my responses. Eager to see the results!

  3. I filled your survey out. I'm interested to see the results!

  4. i'm off to fill out the survey but sadistics (my husband's pet name for the subject) scared me in college. (ha!)

  5. Took the survey. Looking forward to the results. Great idea!

  6. I've always been curious about this stuff, too!

  7. I think this is a great idea! Off to do your survey.


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