
Saturday, January 8, 2011

Still important

Still powerful, three years later
It seems like a very long time ago, but almost two years ago I wrote up a short post about Thirteen Reasons Why, following a NYT article on the book. It's a book that significantly affected me when I first read it in 2007 (oh so long ago), one that I have tried to give to many young (and not-so-young) readers I know. As pretentious as it may be to quote myself, this still stands:
"It's a book for boys and girls alike, teens and adults, readers and non-readers. Even as some don't appreciate it as I do, I think what's special about Asher's novel is that you leave it with a new understanding for a lot of things that you may never have thought of before."
Since writing these words, I've read many many many reviews and write-ups about Thirteen Reasons Why. A lot of readers felt much as I did. Many, though, did not. There were readers who disliked the "blame game" angle of the book (also mentioned in my original post), readers who felt that the writing was sensationalist and unrealistic, readers who did not connect with the characters... and so on and so on.

A few weeks ago, I reclaimed Thirteen Reasons Why after having lent it out for about a year and a half (it sadly returned unread, though). My first move was to crack open the book from the beginning and read it straight through. Even though I knew the story from start to finish, remembered most of the individual stories and was more critical of the writing style than I had been the first time around (when I was of an age better suited to read the book), I found that I was still very affected by Thirteen Reasons Why.

I don't know why I expected to be disappointed by Thirteen Reasons Why, but I did. And so I'm glad I was disappointed by my lack of disappointment, that is pleased with how the book is still excellent and important in all the ways I remember.


  1. I have this book sitting in my TBR pile. Reading your post made me glad I have it...I'm excited to read it :D And awesome article!

    Brush Up On Your Reading

  2. Thanks for an enthusiastic review. This goes on my list.

  3. "And so I'm glad I was disappointed by my lack of disappointment..."; I love it when it turns out like this!

  4. Hi, I'm not really sure if you accept awards but I gave you The Stylish Blogger Award. Check it out here

    Brush Up On Your Reading

  5. Your post makes me want to go read this book now. I hadn't been interested before.


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